In our current project we just wanted to see which requests exceeded a certain response time threshold. Additionally we wanted to know where the time was spent, i.e. which backend requests (e.g. hitting the database or search engine) contributed how much to the overall response time. So we’d like to get log entries like this:
Today we talk about the little wiggly operator |@|
. Being slightly deaf and one of the few living persons on this planet who never watched a Star Wars movie, I always thought people call this the allah al akbar
operator, when in fact it is called the Admiral Ackbar
operator. If you haven’t so far, please read the post about Applicatives as this blog post builds on top of it.
Jetzt ist es offiziell: Seit 6 Monaten arbeiten wir von inoio zusammen mit weiteren Dienstleistern und Galeria Kaufhof an deren neuer Multi-Channel Online Plattform - Projektname “Jump”. Mit dem neuen System soll die Time-to-Market erheblich reduziert werden, wenn es um die Einbindung und Entwicklung neuer Features geht.
In the last installation of this series, we covered the Functor and now we take a turn to discuss the Applicative
type class.
In the last installation of this series, we covered the Foldable and now we take a turn to discuss the Functor
type class. Basically we cover some building blocks out of which more complex type classes can be build.
In the last installment of this series, we had a look at one of the most primitive type classes, the semigroup. Today we add one nifty feature to it, namely the notion of an identity element zero
trait Monoid[A] extends Semigroup {
def zero : A
Almost immediately when I started to program in Scala, I became intruiged by scalaz
, the scala type class library. After playing and learning a bit, I decided that I essentially rewrite the library to get a better understanding of its concepts. I do not intend to replace scalaz, I skip lots of the optimization techniques, and left out many of the “non essential functions”. Gradually I will blog about the experiences and compile a tutorial much in the style of the essential Learning scalaz by Eugene Yokota.
In our current project we have to consume a REST web service that provides data as a multipart document, e.g. a list of videos (or video metadata) where each video is a single part. While it’s common to submit or handle multipart requests (e.g. multipart/form-data), the multipart content type is not widely used for http responses. In consequence, the support of http clients for multipart responses is not as good as for requests. The Play Frameworks WS client for example does not directly support responses of type multipart/*
Die Otto GmbH & Co. KG hat Ende letzten Jahres den Relaunch ihres von Grund auf eigen- und neuentwickelten Webshops abgeschlossen. Das Projekt mit dem Namen LHOTSE hat sich dabei innovativer Methoden und Techniken bedient. Ich war an der Umsetzung beteiligt und möchte euch in diesem Blogpost von ein paar der Faktoren erzählen, die zum erfolgreichen Abschluss beigetragen haben.
We develop custom software, sometimes from scratch, sometimes it will be included in existing ecosystems. In both cases, the customer oftentimes wants to fix which technology we should use. We take the customer’s requests into consideration a lot, but try not to give him what he wants, but the best overall solution given the parameters of the project. Oftentimes we recommend Scala as a programming language, despite the fact that customers want Plain Old Java.
As this has been asked on the play mailinglist this post shall guide you through the setup of MyBatis with Play2. For the integration of MyBatis and Play we’re using the MyBatis-Guice subproject, so we can inject MyBatis mappers into managed play controllers (currently only documented in Play 2.1 Highlights) - or mappers into repositories into services into controllers if you like ;-)